Freelance Visa

Empowers skilled individuals

Freelance Visa in Dubai, UAE A New Era of Work Flexibility

Freelancing in Dubai: Empowering Independence

Freelancers are professionals who offer their expertise to multiple clients rather than being tethered to a single employer. This work format is becoming prevalent due to the significant advantages it offers, such as autonomy, flexibility, and the potential for higher earnings.

Dubai is strategically positioned as a dynamic business hub that attracts professionals from various fields worldwide. Recognizing the value that freelancers bring to the table, Dubai offers freelance visas to allow these professionals to live and work in the Emirate legally. The freelance visa also opens doors for the freelancers’ families, who can join them and enjoy the benefits under this visa.

To obtain a freelance visa in Dubai, you need to first secure a freelance license. This license officially recognizes you as a freelancer in one of Dubai’s free zones and is a prerequisite for a freelance residence permit.

The UAE Residence Visa: A Gateway to UAE Privileges

While gaining UAE citizenship is often challenging for expatriates, obtaining a residence visa is a more feasible pathway to enjoy the privileges that UAE citizens do. This permit allows foreigners to live, work, and enjoy several benefits in the country under various circumstances:

  • Student Residence Permit: International students can apply for this permit upon securing university admission.
  • Investor Residence Permit: Foreign investors and entrepreneurs can obtain this permit.
  • Employee Residence Permit: This is granted to foreign employees working in the UAE.
  • Property Buyer Residence Permit: If an individual invests in Dubai’s real estate, particularly with a purchase of more than AED 1 million, they may qualify for this permit.
  • Freelancer Residence Permit: Upon securing a freelance license, a freelancer can be granted this permit.
  • Family Residence Permit: Investors or freelancers can apply for this permit for their family members.


    • +971 56 403 8600
    • 06, 11B Happiness Street, CityWalk, Dubai